Sanborns Palmas is a Department store located in Mexico City. The registered address of the entity is Av. Paseo de las Palmas 781, Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, 11560 Ciudad de México, CDMX. Further in detail information is provided in the corresponding sections along with the frequently asked questions. You can also read the customer reviews about Sanborns Palmas as well as sharing your own experience. Every opinion is valuable, giving more insight on the company and other businesses in Mexico City.


What is Sanborns Palmas?

It is a Grandes almacenes company located in Mexico City

What's the official website of Sanborns Palmas?

What's the phone number for Sanborns Palmas?


What facilities does Sanborns Palmas offer?

Entrega a domicilio, Retiro en tienda, Compras en tienda, Entrega el mismo día, Área de descanso con acceso para silla de ruedas, Ascensor con acceso para silla de ruedas, Entrada con acceso para silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento con acceso para silla de ruedas, Sanitarios con acceso para sillas de ruedas, Sanitario público, Wi-Fi, Amigable con la comunidad LGBTQ+, Espacio seguro para personas transgénero, Cheques, Tarjetas de débito, Tarjetas de crédito


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